
Vendredi 31 mai 2024

Dispute Resolution on Social Media Platforms

LexTech Institute International Conference
 Aula des Jeunes-Rives, Espace Tilo-Frey 1, 2000 Neuchâtel
 Délai d'inscription : 23 mai 2024


This one-day conference, organized by the LexTech Institute, delves into the field of dispute resolution on social media platforms. These platforms are not just spaces for free speech and social interaction but also arenas for conflicts that require innovative, fast and fair solutions.

We will explore how dispute resolution is adapting to the unique challenges posed by social medias, with a focus on human rights, procedural guarantees, regulation approaches and the possible use of decentralized justice for content moderation. As a platform for multidisciplinary exchange, this conference offers a unique opportunity to reflect on the role of social media platforms and legislators in safeguarding freedom of expression online.

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